A picture a day of life around Neuchâtel, Switzerland, and farther afield by two Americans.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Japan week: Hirosaki

With all the news out of Japan these days, I have been looking over the photos we took last summer and found
a few to share. Zak had a 10-week fellowship to do research at Tokodai University in Tokyo. I joined him
for three weeks in late July and early August.

We took a week-long trip to the northern half of Honshu, and spent two nights in Hirosaki during their Neputa festival. Every night during the festival, there are parades of large floats like the one above, that are pulled, carried,
or driven down the street, accompanied by drummers and flutes. Here's a link to a Youtube video of one night
of last year's festival.

(I added a map of Japan with pushpins on the map page.)